The flushing after exercise has definitely improved!
Just over halfway through the therapy, I saw my therapist for an IPL treatment, and she commented immediately on how much paler my face looked!!
After Therapy: Overall a great improvement, Only slightly pink after an intense exercise, but nowhere near the bright cherry red I used to be; it quickly returns to normal, just like anyone else, I guess. Great success Thank You!
Rosacea Sufferer
M. A Woodford
This client was diagnosed with Rosacea by his GP. He also had some other health concerns and required more extensive therapy than the average person with Rosacea. He has made many comments along the way (still has around 7 days to go until he finishes his therapy).
So eager to get going words can't describe it. . . !
The therapy has transformed my visit to the loo, no longer sitting there twidderling my thumbs waiting for Christmas! the difference is Great! I feel normal in every sense of the word.
Not so blotchy anymore hardly any flushing or reactions especially in shower, exercise, heated rooms. Could this be the start of being mended?
DAY 27 looking good, hooked on sardines at mo. Once again Lisa, you have been more than supporting
My face is having more good days than bad at mo
Super brekkie going down a treat thank you for recipe
I feel a winning vibe coming over me in the last few days. Been suffering far too long (20 yrs) what a waste! This means so much to me Lisa I can't find the words to convey the emotion behind it, this is typical no emoticon for emotional lol
Thanks for this, brilliant!
N.M. London
This client has suffered with Acne Rosacea for some 20+ years, during the course of her therapy she made several comments such as:
Day 12 “I hadn't noticed any difference until day 12 when I woke up, and there suddenly seemed to be a big change. Is this possible?!! It's still not great but if I had to see someone without makeup on it wouldn't be as big a deal as before, so in that sense there's definite improvement.. . . . there does seem to be a big difference in the redness except for one patch which has always been the worst.”
Day 20 “I saw my IPL Therapist yesterday who said to tell you there was a major improvement with my spots - The rosacea is really beginning to clear up too.”
Two days after therapy finished: “my face is definitely better apart from one tiny patch which suddenly appeared and is rather red. I have a feeling it may be because very unusually for me I drank twice last week/weekend, and both nights I didn't take off my makeup which seems to aggravate my skin.”
Two weeks after the therapy finished: “Thanks for this, brilliant as ever.”
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